Should we fear the Solar Eclipse? What does Swami say?
A lot of anxiety spreads every time there is an eclipse. Speaking about the phenomena on a few occasions, Swami has made it very clear that such fear is pointless. Let us take this opportunity to remind ourselves of what Swami says about eclipses
The day after tomorrow, there will be a Solar Eclipse and people are filled with apprehensions about the effects of the eclipse on the world. There is no need for fears of any kind because such events occur from time to time. The earth came out of the sun. The moon came from the earth. The moon sometimes comes between the Sun and the Earth. At those times the sun cannot be seen. This is the eclipse of the sun. When the sun, the moon and the earth are in one line, it is wrong to think that any disaster will happen to the earth. No dangers are in prospect.
- Divine Discourse, Oct 22, 1995
The shadow of the moon falling upon the sun is not the calamity that people should fear; the shadow of maya falling upon the intelligence is the eclipse that has to be treated as a bad omen, as inauspicious. The mind is the moon, the intelligence is the sun; see that they do not suffer from eclipse. Then, you are safe. Do not worry when something happens in the outer sky; worry, when the shadow of some dark desire, some foul passion, some monstrous emotion, some fell intention, casts its evil gloom over your inner sky. See that the splendour of the Lord, the cool rays of His Grace are not dimmed in the recesses of your heart.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 23, 1965